Valve Seat & Face Cutter Sets
Valve Seat & Face Cutter Sets
Suitable for re-cutting inlet/exhaust valve seats concentric to the valve guides. Features...
Mini Lathe Chuck with Shanks
Mini Lathe Chuck with Shanks
Tapered shank Three reverse stepped jaws Precision machined chuck and jaws Durable...
Universal Circle Cutter
Universal Circle Cutter
Used to cut wood, plywood, laminate, composite board, plasterboard, plastic, etc.  Fits...
machinist scraper
Machinist Scraper
A hand scraper is a single-edged tool used to scrape metal from...
triangular scraper and hollow cutting scraper
Triangular Scraper
A hand scraper is a single-edged tool used to scrape metal from...
Adjustable Scraper & Deburring Tool
Adjustable Scraper & Deburring Tool
For indenting the work-piece prior to drilling without the need for hammering...
bench block
Bench Block
Heavy duty, precision-machined steel Bench Block for driving out pins, etc., in...
drill chuck keys
Drill Chuck Keys
A means for holding a drill chuck key in operative position on...
drill chuck with keys
Drill Chucks – With Keys
Drill Chucks are specially designed for Drilling Machines (Hand/Pillar/Bench), Lathes, Milling Machines &...
drill chuck keyless
Drill Chuck Keyless
You  can change drill bits fast, and the convenience of not having to...
Drill Chuck
Drill Chuck
A drill chuck is a specialized self-centering, three-jaw chuck.  This type of...
drill drift
Drill Drift
A wedge-shaped drift for knocking loose a drill or drill socket from a...
Micro Sensitive Drill Adaptor Miniature Quill with JT0 Drill Chuck
Micro Sensitive Drill Adaptor Miniature Quill with JT0 Drill Chuck
Quality Tool Steel's Micro Drill Adaptor (Sensitive drill adaptor) or can be...
Sensitive Drill Attachment
Sensitive Drill Attachment
SENSITIVE DRILL ATTACHMENT  as the name suggests, designed & developed for holding...
Reversible tapping Attachment
Reversible Tapping Attachment
Usable on every vertical drilling machine or machines with rotating non-reversing spindles. ...
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